Studi Penggunaan Alprazolam Pada Penderita Rawat Inap Di Rumah Sakit Pasar Rebo Periode Maret-Mei 2005
ABSTRACT rnrn(A) HENY SULISTYANINGSIH (2001210013) rn(B) STUDI PENGGUNAAN ALPRAZOLAM PADA PENDERITA RAWAT INAP DI RUMAH SAKIT (RS) PASAR REBO PERIODE MARET-MEI 2005rn(C) xi + 70, 2005, 12 tables, 3 picture, 10 enclosure. rn(D) Keyword: study of using, alprazolam, patient take care of to lodge, Pasar Rebo hospital. rn(E) Alprazolam is a minor tranquilizer from benzodiazepin. According to UU/No. 5/1997 about Psikotropika, alprazolam grouped in psychothropic of faction of IV that having potency result depending syndrome. Alprazolam applicable to overcome trouble panic and the dread trouble, both for relating to psychical disease and also the dread that happened because a medical disparity. Base on prescribing data in Pasar Rebo hospital, the using of alprazolam is high enough, so that require to be done a use evaluation medicinize to avoid the happening of side effects which is not desired. In using drug study of using alprazolam have done in class I (Teratai), class II (Dahlia), and class III (Melati) in Pasar Rebo hospital by concurent during March-May 2005 to all patient which getting therapy alprazolam at that room. The result of research indicate that use of alprazolam of pursuant to diagnosis 80,62% for indication of anxiety of disease of non cardiovascular; base on dose of therapy 55,04% as according to inveterate dose, 42,64% dose less, and 2,33% dose more; use of alprazolam generic 0,78%, non generic 99,22%; pursuant to guarantor of expense of Askes 30,23%, public 62,79%, Jamper 1,55%, SKTM 5,43%; there are 116 case of interaction of alprazolam with other medicines dissimilar drug that is 94 (81,03%) case of interaction pharmacocinetyc and 22 (17,46%) case of interaction pharmacodinamyc. rn(F) References: 25 sourches (1972 – 2005) rn(G) Drs. Agus Purwanggana, M.Si, Apt; Dra. Susilowati, Apt. rn
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